Yoga Nesadurai

Future-proofing Facilitator | Mentor | Coach

holding yourself back

You are capable of so much more!

Hello and welcome!

I help courageous leaders strengthen adaptability - to SEE what they cannot see and DO what they cannot do and BECOME who they want to be -

to pivot and empower themselves and their teams during disorientating change and uncertainty.

If you (and your team) are ready to future-proof yourself(s) I would love to help!

Future-proofing is creating YOUR future by strengthening adaptability to increase personal and organisational value!

Adaptability is mastering the art of learning quickly and the human brain does this well. But we need to leverage its design to optimise learning. The brain is a powerful tool and one that is often under-leveraged.

Get to know your brain now by clicking the button below.


    This is the crucial step. Awareness is the gateway to your FUTURE. .


    Attention is your SUPERPOWER! A powerful resource for creating and sustaining change.


    Bringing it all together. Action can only happen through brain-body congruence and CADENCE.

How we can work together

Workshops/Programmes - knowledge facilitation

Tailored to your needs

Virtual or in-person, this caters to small groups and tailored to the future-proofing needs: CONNECT, COMMUNICATE, COLLABORATE

Small group/intact teams/1-1 facilitation & coaching

60-90 minutes, minimum 6 sessions

Virtual or in-person (preferable), small group facilitation and/or coaching to help you and your team work on a specific want or need. A minimum of six sessions is recommended.


60-90 minutes

Virtual or in-person, this is an information exchange. This is ideal to inspire, inform, educate and entertain your people on MINDSET and EMOTIONAL LITERACY.

My corporate clients:

 What my past Masterclass clients say:

BEST STUFF - tips, insights, stories and more !